Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Reward for Living This Long...

The pictures of me above were taken before I started this blog; but I think they are very appropriate as a posting for my 77th Birthday (May 2, 2009).  Little Caitlyn Trunnell was born to my granddaughter Christy on March 12.  On April 11th we were able to travel a hundred miles south to the Phoenix area, where she and her husband had brought the new arrival from California to meet his parents--plus numerous other relatives from the area around Phoenix.  Caitlyn is my first direct-line great grandchild (daughter of my daughter's daughter).  So being able to hold that precious little bundle is reward enough for living this long!


  1. Congrats! She is so little and precious.

  2. Amen to that! So glad you were able to enjoy such a precious moment. And we are so glad you continue to live you life for us to enjoy being with you as well! Love you Grandpa!!

  3. She is sooo cute! Love the blog it is nice to get to know we can keep in touch after we move!

  4. We think that's pretty special that you could get to hold Caitlyn while she is so little! She's growing fast.
